The vehicle price does not include insurance premiums, taxes, registration fees, etc.
For more detailed information on the quality of this vehicle, please contact the dealer directly.
Please contact the dealership in advance to confirm whether or not the vehicle is available.
Also, please be sure to check with the dealership for details regarding repair history, legal maintenance, warranty, and other details.
Drive video
Vehicle Details
Mileage | unsteady |
Registered unused vehicle | - |
One owner | - |
Record book | - |
Dealer car | - |
Repair history | × |
Non-smoking car | - |
Vehicle inspection | Sep,2023 |
Enter a certified vintage car | - |
Route | - |
Basic Specifications
Handle | Right side |
(engine) Displacement | 1400cc |
Driving method | 2WD |
Door (Western-style) | 4D |
Mission | MT 4 speed |
Body color | Light Brown |
Other Specifications | - |
Cargo bed dimensions | - |
Year (first registration) | 1979 |
Seating capacity | - |
Fuel | Gasoline |
Eco-car Vehicles eligible for tax reductions | - |
Supercharger | - |
Last 3 digits of VIN number | 033 |
Overall size | - |
Remarks (reference) column